

How can I get my employees to act more like owners? How can I get them to take responsibility? My employees are wonderful and I know they have great ideas. Why don’t they share them?

We provide many results services including:

  • Huddling Training
  • Rapid Improvement Plans
  • Stake in Outcomes
  • Implementing Principles

We hear that a lot.  And we can help.

Lazer Results is a program that helps everyone in your organization to think like an owner and to participate to their fullest potential.  

It uses education, an open book policy, and games designed by team members themselves, to increase the probability of the organization’s and individuals’ successes. 

Finally incorporates financial reward systems for improved performance to create enthusiasm.

The goal – to create a team moving in the same direction, together.

Call us at 204-942-0300 and we’ll design the program to fit your unique business.  Then watch your people and profits soar!


Creating an organization of employees who think and act like owners:

  • Playing for Profit – What’s in it for me?
  • Providing a basic understanding of:
  • Financial statements (how they impact one another and the different between profit and cash), and
    • Key financial (and non-financial) drivers (and how each team member impacts them).
    • Developing and training:
      Entrepreneur-like thinking and energy
    • Ways individuals and teams can participate
    • Associating tasks to objectives
    • Learning where the score comes from, how the score changes and how they can affect the score


A scoreboard is a concise document highlighting the key financial and operational indicators that will drive the organization’s critical number(s). It is a living document utilized weekly or bi-weekly to keep the team focused on financial and operational performance by requiring them to forecast regularly against those numbers for which they are accountable.

Identification of:

  • key indicators that will be utilized in company’s scoreboard to drive its critical number(s)
  • strengths and weaknesses
  • business and people issues
  • competition
  • likes and dislikes
  • solvency/liquidity
  • profitability
  • efficiency

Following the action and keeping score – budgeting, forecasting and recording.


Utilizing an interactive huddling simulation with a fictional company to demonstrate the huddling process.

Huddles are short, focused meetings where you forecast your numbers. You’ll learn:

  • How to conduct the company huddle and department huddle
  • How to disseminate and audit information (are we on track?)


Learning how to bring the whole team together in a fun activity based game to move the key indicator number, up or down!

  • It’s fun
  • It works
  • It gets everyone involved
  • Everyone enjoys the reward at the end of the game


  • Learning how to build a strong bonus program.
  • Learning what makes a weak bonus program
  • Learning how to implement a bonus program in your business that works


  1. Understand how your company makes money and how you contribute.
  2. Learn how to really understand your financial statement.
  3. Understand the relation between an income statement and cash flow.
  4. Uncover why even though you seem to be doing well, why you still seem to have cash flow problems.
  5. Learn what makes employees think and act like owners.
  6. Understand what the score is and where it comes from.
  7. Learn how to budget, forecast and record your score so you know how you’re doing at any given moment – not 1 month later!
  8. Learn how to turn your employees into a team and get them excited about coming to work every day.
  9. Learn how to turn obstacles into opportunities and create games that make everyone a winner.
  10. Learn how to share increased profits with team members so everyone works harder to solve problems and has fun doing it.
  11. Learn how to have fun everyday at the office and have more spare time.
  12. Learn how to have employees who solve problems and come up with creative solutions.

For more information: Contact Ann Fuller (204) 977-3879.

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